API Security: Essential Tools for Endpoint Analysis

Israel Aráoz Severiche
3 min readMar 14, 2024


In today’s digital realm, fortifying APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) is imperative to shield sensitive data and uphold software system integrity. As APIs serve as the cornerstone of contemporary applications, ensuring their security stands as a pivotal facet of the development process. To aid developers and security professionals in this pursuit, here are four indispensable tools for scrutinizing API endpoints:

OWASP ZAP (Zed Attack Proxy):

OWASP ZAP is a widely-utilized open-source security tool aimed at assisting developers in uncovering security vulnerabilities in web applications during development and testing phases. With its robust features, ZAP can also be harnessed to scrutinize API endpoints for potential security lapses. Its dynamic scanning capabilities, coupled with an intuitive user interface, render it an essential tool for pinpointing and remedying API security risks.



Predominantly recognized as a popular API development platform, Postman also furnishes robust testing and debugging features applicable to endpoint analysis. Developers can employ Postman’s collection runner to automate API tests and monitor endpoint behavior. Additionally, its built-in support for scripting facilitates advanced testing scenarios, rendering it a versatile tool for API security assessment.

Burp Suite

Burp Suite stands as a potent toolkit for web application security testing, lauded for its comprehensive feature set. Though conventionally utilized for testing web applications, Burp Suite can be configured to intercept and analyze API requests, offering insights into potential security vulnerabilities. Its proxy, scanner, and repeater modules enable meticulous examination of API endpoints, rendering it indispensable for security professionals.

API Security Testing Toolkit (ASTT):

ASTT emerges as a specialized toolkit meticulously crafted for testing API security. It proffers an array of features tailored to API testing, encompassing fuzzing, injection testing, and response analysis. Simplifying the process of identifying security flaws in API endpoints, ASTT equips developers with actionable insights to fortify their application’s security posture.

Ensuring the security of API endpoints is paramount for safeguarding sensitive data and fostering user trust. By harnessing the capabilities of these top tools for endpoint analysis, developers and security professionals can proactively identify and address potential security vulnerabilities, thereby fortifying their applications against malicious threats.

Common API Rest vulnerabilities

When it comes to API security, three of the most well-known vulnerabilities are Broken Object-Level Authorization (BOLA), Broken Function Level Authorization (BFLA), and Mass Assignment. BOLA occurs when APIs fail to adequately enforce access controls, potentially allowing unauthorized users to access sensitive data or perform actions they shouldn’t. BFLA, on the other hand, arises when APIs don’t properly enforce authorization checks at the function level, leading to unauthorized access to functionalities within an application. Mass Assignment occurs when APIs allow clients to modify more data fields than intended, potentially leading to unintended data exposure or manipulation. These vulnerabilities underscore the importance of implementing robust access control mechanisms and input validation in API designs.

To learn more about common API security risks, you can refer to the OWASP API Security Top Ten



Israel Aráoz Severiche

{💀Cybersecurity Engineer​​🐞 } / { 🥋​ Purple Belt Brazilian Jiu Jitsu } / {🌐​https://twitter.com/iara0z}