TryHackme: Alfred — Writeup

Israel Aráoz Severiche
4 min readMay 13, 2020

Step by step without metasploit


This is my first post after a long time and the first in English

Exploit Jenkins to gain an initial shell, then escalate your privileges by exploiting Windows authentication tokens.

Initical Access


First, runing nmap to check port and services

nmap -sV -A -Pn 5000 -T5

I got tree ports 80,8080,3389

Just check, the following image appears,

Based on the title of the room, directly accessed honestly don’t try brute force attack, my first attempt was alfred as user, but then try admin and password 123456, lastly the famous admin / adminand here we go!

Jenkins Control panel

Trymehack provides you with a couple of help to find the execution of the code, first try with ipcofing then build an check console output.

Command Execution

I started a web service with python, to transfer files, executing commands from the jenkins console

I used certutil to download netcat, it was copied to the temporary directory

Command to transfer files

Successful transfer!

Run the following command to get a reverse shell

Access gained!

check user.txt

Privilege Escalation

This room is focused on token impersonation, I check a Privilege SeImpersonatePrivilege

The SeImpersonatePrivilege is described on MSDN as “User Right: Impersonatea client after authentication.”

I use incognito to escalate privileges

Incognito v2.0 actually implements exploitation of one of these cases already. If an account is not an Administrative user but has been granted SeDebugPrivilege and SeImpersonatePrivilege then Incognito v2.0 will automatically enable these privileges and use them to gain access to all tokens and so effectively escalate the SYSTEM. I don’t expect it will be particularly common to find this situation in practice but it may prove useful.

you cand download from :

I download incognito from my kali machine,

run incognito.exe list tokens -u

I create a user

The created user was added to the local administrators group, thanks Incognitov2

User k1mura is now local administrator

Microsoft terminal service is enabled, login with k1mura and voila, I got root.txt

We have access to root.txt




Israel Aráoz Severiche

{💀Cybersecurity Engineer​​🐞 } / { 🥋​ Purple Belt Brazilian Jiu Jitsu } / {🌐​}